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5 Movies I Can't Wait To Watch With The Twins

If you read my posts regularly you will know that I am a big movie fan and that I love watching movies with the twins.

My all time favourite movie is "Jurassic Park" and I have been dying to watch it with the twins since the day they were born. However, being fully aware of the content and how scary it can be I knew that I would have to wait until the right moment. From the age of 5, and for over a year, they have both been saying that would love to watch it but I have always been a little apprehensive about it. They started asking about it again recently so Kate and I discussed it and we decided that they are pretty good at understanding what is real and what is not and that they could watch it. However, there was one rule we definitely agreed on - it would have to be watched during the day and followed up with something happy and colourful...probably "Trolls".

The time came and we put it on. Within minutes Poppy decided she didn't want to watch it and she wanted to draw pictures so she went and did that. Ruby watched the whole thing and I was delighted to see that she was engrossed in it and didn't appear to flinch. She had questions, which we answered, and at the end she said that she enjoyed it. I explained there were 3 more in the series and she asked if we could watch the trailers for them on YouTube, which we did. "Jurassic Park" had been a hit...until later that night when Ruby woke me up at 1am and said:

"I've had a bad dream about a T-Rex chasing me"

I put good dreams in her dreaming hat (more on that another day) and she was fine. I, however, decided that maybe she wasn't quite ready for it and put it down to a lesson learnt. She hasn't mentioned it since, which is either a good thing or a bad thing, so I don't think it has played on her mind. It did get me thinking though about other movies I can't wait to watch with the twins. Here are 5:

N.B. They are mainly horrors as I love horror movies

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

OK - you can judge me. I let my 6 year old daughters watch a live action movie about real as can be dinosaurs that terrorise and eat people but I haven't let them watch this Disney cartoon yet. You want to know why - it is DARK AS F***! This is my favourite Disney animated movie of all time and probably always will be. Sure, I have a lot of love for many of the classics and many of the new ones but this is, in my opinion, Disney's finest and most underrated animated classic. But, man, it is deep for a Disney movie. Quasimodo is basically a victim of Stockholm Syndrome who can't see the bad in his master, Claude Frollo. Claude Frollo himself is possibly the most evil of Disney villains ever as he is a human and there are no supernatural or fantasy elements to him. He is just an utter b***end! And that song "Hellfire" - have you ever really listened to it? It is basically him saying to Esmerelda "How dare you be attractive and turn me on. I must destroy you". Dark. As. F***! But amazing!

Predicted age to watch: 8 years old

Poltergeist (1982 version)

"Poltergeist", in my opinion, is a great entry movie in to the horror genre. It isn't full on in your face horror and approaches the subject in a much more subtle, and sometimes humorous, way that makes it a bit more "family friendly". In the USA it was rated "PG" when it was released at the cinema in 1982 because, at the time, there was nothing in between a "PG" and an "R". This movie, along with many others including "Jaws", were the reason that the "PG-13" rating was created which, subsequently, lead to the "12" rating in the UK. Anyway, "Poltergeist" is a good, scary movie but a one that isn't too dark or too deep and I think at the right age the twins will be able to enjoy it and understand that it isn't real. Also - it is a pretty good movie that still stands up today even though it is 35 years old.

Predicted age to watch: 11 years old

Halloween (1978 version)

"Halloween" is my all time favourite horror movie. I remember watching this with my Dad when I was about 13 years old and being absolutely terrified. The whole set up, the creepy undertone of it all, the music, the mask, the jump scares...everything about it terrified me. And I loved it. I must have seen this movie a hundred times and every time I still find it a little unnerving and I still jump even though I know what is coming. Compared to modern day horror movies though it is quite tame with regards to blood and gore so I think it is acceptable to watch this at a younger age.

Predicted age to watch: 12 years old

Paranormal Activity 3

I love the "Paranormal Activity" movies. The first one totally revitalised the found footage genre of horror movies and was genuinely creepy. The second one was not as good but had it's moments but for me the third one is by far the scariest. I think the main reason is because this one is about the main characters when they are children and first encounter the demon who haunts them. Horror is much more unnerving when it involves children and this movie has some of the creepiest moments. That scene where one of them is running and bumps into the demon and it picks her up by her hair sends shivers down my spine. However, not only is this movie creepy and tense it is also a pretty good story and has a good flow and a good narrative. Definitely a one to watch on a Saturday night with the twins as a family.

Predicted age to watch: 13 years old


OK - so "Scream" isn't by far as scary or as tense as some of the other movies I have mentioned already. You could even say that it is more comedy than horror because of the way it is done. However, the reason I have put this last in this list is because I think this movie needs to be watched after a whole bunch of others. I think in order to fully appreciate "Scream" you need to watch:

The Evil DeadCarrie

The Exorcist
Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th Part 2
Terror Train
The Howling
Prom Night
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Child's Play

And so many more horror movies that were released pre-1996. "Scream" is a homage to the classic horrors of the 70s, 80s and 90s and because of the whole post-modern twist on it and the fact that it is fully self-aware I think you can't watch this and appreciate it until you've seen all of the classics. Therefore, I think the twins will watch this much later in life.

Predicted age to watch: Probably about 20

So there we have it - 5 movies I cannot wait to watch with the twins. There are hundreds more that I could mention but I will save some of them for another day and another post.

Until next time...

The Twiglet's Dad


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