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"What Do You Remember About Your First Day?"

Earlier this week I blogged about the twins and their educational experience so far...from my point of view. That post was initially going to be the twins discussing school but my introductory blurb ended up becoming a whole separate post (I am guessing that will happen lots).

So - as intended - here is my interview with the twins about school:

Q1: What do you remember about your first day?

Ruby: That I was too scared to go.

Poppy: I was excited and I had my lovely hat on.

Q2: What part of the school day do you enjoy the most?

Ruby: Playing in the pretend café and playing on the computers.

Poppy: I like playing on the iPad on a Friday.

Q3: What part do you least enjoy?

Ruby: Going outside in the big yard because there is nothing fun to do.

Poppy: When my friend is rude to me but I tell her to stop being rude.

Q4: What has been the best topic you have had at school and why?

Ruby: "The Toy Box" was my favourite topic because I got to bring my soft toy in for the Teddy Bears Picnic but we got real food which was the best part.

Poppy: "Kings and Queens" was my favourite topic because we read a story called "The Queen's Knickers" which I loved.

Q5: You have both read hundreds of books throughout "Year One" - which one has been your favourite and why?

Ruby: "When Animals Invade" because it was about how animals invade and it said that Polar Bears live outside proper people's houses like ours and they go to Church Hill and get their food there.

Poppy: "When Animals Attack" because it was about animals and how they attack other animals and eat.

Q6: What do you like more about "Year One" than "FSU"?

Ruby: Sometimes we get to have outside play with just my class and not every other class.

Poppy: They have iPads which we didn't have in FSU.

Q7: Is there anything you miss from "FSU"?

Ruby: I miss the toy animals which we had in "The Beehive"

Poppy: I miss the bug area where we had toy bugs to play with

Q8: Tell me one thing that you have learnt that is amazing...

Ruby: That Daddy seahorses have the babies

Poppy: How bears sometimes go in to people's tents and eat food 

Q9: Are you looking forward to "Year Two"?

Ruby: No - I think I might be scared but if my best friends come with me I'll be fine

Poppy: Yes - as long as my friends come with me

Q10: What do you think will be the best thing about "Year Two"?

Ruby: It looks like they might have comfy chairs to sit on

Poppy: I have had a peek at "Year Two" and I think I will like the drawing table.

And there you go - the twins have discussed school, what they have enjoyed about "Year One" and what they are looking forward to in the future. I found this quite an interesting discussion.

Hope you enjoyed reading this.

Until next time...

The Twiglet's Dad


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